Thursday, June 2, 2011

Today's topic- Growth

This is one of my favorite paintings I have done because of the strong meaning behind it...growth. I believe we as humans are forever changing, growth is obviously a huge part of our lives. It is something we cannot avoid and must pay attention to. So from knowing that...let's do something everyday that promotes growth with a positive out come. PursueYou

Also check out my other blog for the rest of my art:

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Yung Ro Teams up with PursueYou

We are very excited to say that Yung Ro (2x top of the billboard chart teen rap star) has teamed up with our movement and now proudly wears PursueYou. This is great news because now we have a catalyst to fly PursueYou to the sky where the movement, the art, and our graphic tees can be seen. Yung Ro's upcoming album"Ideology of a Trandsetter" The release date has not been set, take a look at the teen heartthrob stats...

Here is a trailer of his newest single - "King of the World" which should be premiered in the upcoming week.

Thanks so much for the support..
Yung Ro bio and videos posting soon....

Monday, April 11, 2011

This is EXACTLY what "PursueYou" is about....

Yungstarr is a young aspiring new hip hop star. He already has fully booked tour dates and signing events with a crowd that will only grow larger as he reaches the top of his fame. Youngstarr lives his dream everyday and success already flows through his veins. He is living proof that your dream...whatever that may be, will come true if you make it a priority for your dream to be your reality. Did I mention Younstarr is only 15? Full Bio and more pics and videos soon to come....

Also notice he is wearing a PursueYou shirt

MTV Star Spanky Hayes supports PursueYou

More to come from Spanky- Don't miss him in the upcoming blockbuster Transformers 3!!!

MTV Star Spanky Hayes supports PursueYou

The buzz is out there...Join the movement everyone!

The PursueYou team with Dallas Cowboy Dj- DJSC-Brandon Williams